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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Primal Pad Thai!

Yep, that's what dinner was last night.  I forgot to grab a photo of it, so you'll have to wait for a photo of leftovers tonight. What's that I hear? "Quit bragging and give us the recipe"?  Coming right up!
Pad Thai (enough for 1 fasted adult + a snack)
1 zucchini, deseeded, turned into strips with a veggie peeler, and those sliced into fettuccine width ribbons
1/2 bell pepper, chopped (optional)
6-10 green beans, snapped into 1" sections(optional)
1 shallot OR 1/4 onion and 2 garlic cloves (sliced)
1/4 c broccoli, chopped(optional)
1/2 stalk celery, chopped(optional)
1/2carrot, chopped(optional)
3-4 stalks asparagus(optional)
1/4 c mung bean sprouts
1 lb beef  (sirloin or skirt steak), cubed 1"
2 eggs

oil (I used olive)
3 tbsp fish sauce
1/2 tbsp honey
2 teaspoons rice vinegar (you can use white or white wine vinegar if you don't have rice vinegar)
3 cloves garlic

Heat 3 tbsp oil in wide, shallow pan (got a wok? Use that.) Add meat, brown. Add veggies except zuke, saute for a few min, until just crispier than al dente.  Add your zuke noodles.  Using tongs, incorporate the zuke into everything else without breaking it.  Mix the sauce ingredients well and add to the pan.  Stir fry until the zuke noodles are tangled and well incorporated.  Push everything to one side of the pan and crack the eggs into the empty area. Scramble 'em. Mix everything together. Serve with lime wedges, sriracha, and crushed cashews.

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